
Notes about programming

Valid Combinations of Numbers

Various types of string related problems exist. Among them, splitting it to make something valid would be a typical one. For example, a string of numbers is given, “make valid IP addresses” is the example. Very similar problem is “make valid lottery numbers.”

Weird Puzzle Questions - Egg and Celebrity

I’m going to write about two weird algorithm problems. Those seem quite weired at least to me, yet famous as algorithm questions. One is so-called egg dropping, another is finding a celebrity. I see these two problems here and there. From that, I guess those two are famous algorithm questions. But, at least, those two are quite weird. Some call them puzzle. (Yeah, maybe… I was totally puzzled.)

Sqrt - Math Without Operator To Do It

In my last post, Math Without Operator To Do It, I wrote about division an power implementations. There’s one more of this sort worth adding a memo here. It is calculating a square root without language provided operators.

Math Without Operator To Do It

Do division or power calculation without language provided operators – we see this sort of questions among algorithm problems. I wrote Addtion without +/- operators in the post about XOR related questions. “Divide without division” and “power without its operator or function” are examples as well.

Construct Binary Tree

Serialize, Deserialize a binary tree are a popular algorithm questions It depends on a programming language, but in most cases, a binary tree is expressed by an object tree. Each node can have at most two children: left node and right node. Once the binary tree is constructed, it is not language neutral anymore.